The Sonnets of John Milton Glossary

The Sonnets of John Milton Glossary

“When I consider”

Sonnet 15 of Shakespeare has similar first line

"dark world"

Milton’s profound grief due to loss of sight

“one Talent"

talent of writing





“that murmer”

ending with a positive note

“milde yoak”

Jesus states “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”

“Thousands at his bidding speed”

the pursuit of God’s servants on Earth

“stand and wait”

reference to patience

“subtle thief of youth”

time has stolen Milton’s twenty three years

“ no bud or blossom”

loss of poetic power

“inward ripeness”

inner maturity


outward appearance



“will of heaven”

Milton making the fate responsible for all the deeds


full of bloom


decorative arrangement of flowers


little deep


in love

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