The Sound of Music Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Sound of Music Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Sound of Music

Maria is seen singing in the opening scene of the film in the open fields of Salzburg, Austria as mountains surround her. This landscape and her song is a symbol of how great the depth of feeling is in Maria and her desire to express it.

Captain's Whistle

Captain von Trapp blows his whistle to signal his children to come down. The whistle is a symbol of his military style of raising his children, and his coldness in relation to his kids.

Climb Every Mountain

The song "Climb Every Mountain" in the film is sung by Mother Abbess to Maria. It is a symbol of her belief that Maria must face every obstacle in front of her in order to live the life she desires to live as she knows she wants more than to be in a convent for the rest of her days.


Maria and the von Trapp kids sing "Do-Re-Mi" in the fields. This is a symbol that shows the unity that Maria has cultivated with them, a far cry from the whistle blowing of their father.


The von Trapp family is hidden in the abbey's crypt when the Brownshirts are searching for them. This is a symbol that they are on the verge of death as the Nazi's close in on Austria and seek to impose their lies upon them.

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