The Spanish Tragedy

The Spanish Tragedy Sources and ClassicNote Author

  • Thomas Kyd, Clara Calvo (Editor). The Spanish Tragedy (Arden Early Modern Drama). New York, NY: The Arden Shakespeare , 2013.
  • Felix Carre. Le Theatre de Thomas Kyd; contribution a l'atitude du drame Elizabethain. Toulouse: E. Privat, 1951.

  • Phillip Edwards. "Introduction" in Thomas Kyd, The Spanish Tragedy. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959.

  • Arthur Freeman. Thomas Kyd: Facts and Problems. London: Oxford University Press, 1967.

  • Thomas Kyd. The Spanish Tragedy in Five Elizabethan Tragedies. Ed. A. K. McIlwraith. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981.

  • Thomas Kyd. The Works of Thomas Kyd. Ed. F. S. Boas. London: Oxford University Press, 1967.

  • Scott McMillan. "The Book of Seneca in The Spanish Tragedy." Studies in English Literature. 14. 2 (1974): 201-208. JSTOR. Harvard University Libaries. 19 July 2007. <>.

  • Peter B. Murray. Thomas Kyd. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1969.

  • Virgil. The Aeneid in The Longman Anthology of World Literature. Vol. A. Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. Pearson Education, Inc., 2004. 1167-1259.

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