The Turning Characters

The Turning Character List

Vic Lang

Vic Lang is the central character appearing in most of the stories in The Turning by Tim Winton. Vic is the son of Bob Lang, a police officer who relocates to the new town of Angelus for his latest assignment. The author depicts Vic as an intelligent, nervous, and shy boy. Vic finds adjusting to the new town hard because his father starts becoming an alcoholic.

In the new town of Angelus, Vic is lonely because he does not have friends. As a result, Vic starts developing a perilous habit of playing with his father's gun. Vic becomes a lawyer when he matures, and his primary goal is to defend the weak to ensure justice prevails.

Bob Lang (Vic’s father)

Bob is a police officer and Carol's husband. Bob is also the father of Vic and Kerry. Bob is an experienced police officer with a specialization in precise shootings. When Bob is transferred to Angelus, he relocates with his family. Unfortunately, Bob finds it hard to adapt to the new environment and slowly becomes an alcoholic. The working environment also becomes challenging because Bob's fellow police officers are corrupt and aid the illegal trade of drugs. Since Bob is powerless and cannot do anything about the evils in the new town, he drinks alcohol excessively. As a result, Bob leaves his family and lives alone in an undisclosed place.

Carol Lang (Vic’s mother).

Carol is Bob's wife and mother to Vic and Karen. The author describes Carol as a strict and strong-willed woman. A drunkard mother brought up Carol, and she knows the effects of alcoholism. After relocating to Angelus, Bob starts drinking alcohol, which leads to their breakup. Carol and Vic relocate to Perth, where she works as a cleaner. Carol struggles to raise her children in the absence of her husband. Before Carol dies of cancer, she requests Vic to bring Bob beside her deathbed. Carol dies after ensuring Bob and Vic reunite.

Gail (Vic’s wife)

Gail is married to Vic, and she is ten years his junior. Gail loves Vic wholeheartedly but is troubled by his obsession with his former girlfriend. Vic struggles to understand Vic, and she decides to travel to Angelus to learn more about his family. While in Angelus, Gail starts an affair with the motel manager. When she returns to Perth, she confesses to Vic about her affair. Gail still loves Vic and hopes they will mend their differences and start afresh.

Boner Mcpharlin

Borner is the boy who wears a sheepskin jacket. Borner is best described as a bad boy fond of excessive pranks in Angelus. Borner loves driving a cool van in town and has a relationship with Jackie. Due to his excessive pranks, Borner is expelled from school. Vic does not like associating with Borner because of his bullying behavior. When he becomes mature, Borner is involved in the drug business and works closely with corrupt detectives in Angelus.

The detectives

The detectives are police officers in Angelus who secretly work with drug dealers. The detectives are corrupt individuals who are doing the contrary of what is expected of them. For instance, the detectives work closely with Borner and other illegal drug gangs to accumulate ill wealth.


Jackie is an average high school girl trapped in Borner’s bad-boy persona traits. Jackie loves riding with Borner around Angelus and does not care about her damaged reputation. Jackie is a gifted girl who is brilliant in school. Most of the time, Jackie is with Borner or studying. However, Borner endangers Jackie’s life when he gets involved in the illegal drug business.


Frank is a professional footballer, and he is the younger brother of Maxi. The author depicts Frank as a sensitive and keen boy. Maxi bullies Frank and blames him for everything. For instance, Maxi blames Frank for the mysterious departure of their mother. Frank also realizes that his father hates him. When Frank gets an opportunity to go and play football at White Point, he never returns home.


Maxi is the husband of Raelence and the elder brother to Frank. Maxi is a brutal and bossy individual. Maxi often mocks Frank and mistreats him. In addition, Maxi physically abuses his wife. Maxi does not take any opinion from his wife because he believes she is superior.

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