The Varieties of Religious Experience Characters

The Varieties of Religious Experience Character List

Professor Fraser

He is a professional philosophical essay writer. Professor Fraser published the first philosophical book read by James Williams. James got an opportunity to learn more about philosophical work when William Hamilton taught him. Hamilton was a professor in philosophy as well whose main task was to teach. The philosophical work by Fraser mainly focuses on religion, which greatly plays a significant role in helping James Williams to understand various religious experiences.

M. Taine

He is an author whose book narrates about morality. According to his book, whether facts are physical or moral, it does not matter. M. Taine’s work focuses on morality and religion. He asserts that morality is a product of spiritual value or virtue and it can be undone when an individual decides to do what is considered immoral. His work plays a significant role in enlightening James Williams to understand the relationship between morality and religion.

Saint Francois de Sales

He is a saint whose opinion regarding faith explains why the soul is like a baby. Saint Francois compares God’s sweetness to humanity to that of a baby who does not struggle to suckle milk from her mother’s breast. When a child is at the breast, the mother caresses him to make it easy for milk to flow freely into his mouth without moving her lips. Similarly, human beings enjoy good things on earth without knowing that such goodies come from God. By reading Saint Francois de Sales works, James Williams can understand that the human soul is fragile just like a baby and it is God who decides on its prosperity.

Dr. Maudsley

He is a philosopher and religious author who does not agree that super natural power and christianity exist. He tests the belief that everything we see is because of a supernatural being. He argues in his writings that what is done is reliant on human character. Maudsley’s work helps James William to compare and contrast Christianity beliefs and nature. He can see the contradiction between nature and religious beliefs.

Mrs. Annie Besant

She is an autobiographer who tries to explain the evolution of morality. Her writings are significant in helping James Williams to critique morality and religious phenomena. According to Mrs. Annie, human experience regarding religion can be considered a mystery. For instance, the man who believes that there is a supernatural being who dictates one’s happiness does what is morally right according to Christian teachings. On the other hand, a man who does not believe in religion does anything that makes him happy including what Christians consider immoral.

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