The Voyage Out Characters

The Voyage Out Character List

Helen Ambrose

Helen is introduced at the beginning of the novel, and departs London for South America alongside her husband Ridley Ambrose, leaving behind her two children. She laments the fact she is leaving her children, feeling "misery for her children" as she prepares to leave.

Ridley Ambrose

Helen Ambrose's husband, who is accompanying her on a trip to a resort in South America.

Willoughby Vinrace

Helen's brother-in-law, who owns the shin Euphrosyne, which takes Helen and Ridley to South America.

Rachel Vinrace

Rachel is Willoughby Vinrace's daughter, and therefore her family owns the ship Euphrosyne. She is described as having a talent for playing piano but is also thought of as being boring and bland by Helen.

St. John Hirst

St. John Hirst is a neighbor of Helen and Ridley Ambrose while they are staying in South America. He is an Oxford scholar and judges Rachel as being unintelligent.

Terrence Hewet

Hewet is a novelist and is also a neighbor of Helen and Ridley. He has a special relationship with Rachel, understanding her on an emotional level and helping her to overcome the judgment of other characters.

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