The Waste Land Essays


The Waste Land

The Waste Land, at first glance, can often be mistakenly perceived as fragmented and scattered and having no coherent pattern or meaning between the five short poems. T.S. Eliot’s creative style of writing creates this impression, as there is no...

11th Grade

The Waste Land

T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” (1922) and “Burnt Norton” (1935) both discuss the modernist view of post-war Britain, one regarding London and the other using imagery from the country house of Burnt Norton, taking inspiration largely from Eliot’s...


The Waste Land

Rape ruins women’s lives. Rape is a weapon. It is used to manufacture female fear factory – a collective socialization of females to accept the ever-presence of rape most often by being invited to be vigilant. It traumatizes. It scars. The...