The White Devil

The White Devil Character List


An Italian count who is banished at the beginning of the play, and later acts as conspirator against Brachiano and Flamineo


A friend of Count Lodovico and a dependent of Francisco de Medici; he later acts as conspirator against Brachiano and Flamineo


A friend of Count Lodovico and a dependent of Francisco de Medici; he later acts as conspirator against Brachiano and Flamineo


Both a villain and hero in the play, Paulo Giordano Ursini is the Duke of Brachiano and the husband to Isabella; for the love of Vittoria, he has his wife and her husband Camillo killed


Vittoria's husband, murdered by Brachiano


Vittoria and Marcello's brother, Brachiano's secretary, and the play's most scheming villain; he is driven by a desire to increase his social standing, but must rely on manipulation and wit to achieve his purposes


A Venetian lady who is first married to Camillo and then marries Brachiano, setting in motion the play's tragedy


Vittoria's servant, an African Moor, and Flamineo's lover; she is aware of many schemes but follows her mistress all the way to death


Mother to Vittoria, Flamineo, and Marcello, and one of the play's few moral voices


The Duke of Florence and brother to Isabella, he is involved in condemning Vittoria and then conspiring to kill Brachiano and Flamineo;his full name is Francisco de Medici


The sickly wife of Brachiano, the sister of Francisco de Medici, and one of the play's few moral voices


A Catholic Cardinal until he is named Pope Paul IV, Monticelso is a hypocritical villain who uses his power to condemn Vittoria and then surreptitiously facilitate Brachiano's murder


Vittoria and Flamineo's brother, and an attendant to the Duke of Florence


The son of Isabella and Brachiano, a seemingly chivalrous and moral boy who gains control after his father is murdered

Jacques the Moor

Giovanni's African servant


A disguised conjurer (or necromancer) who shows Brachiano the murders of Isabella and Camillo


One of the line-less "ghost" characters who helps Doctor Julio murder Isabella


A "ghost" character present at Isabella's death


The Cardinal of Arragon; one of the cardinals present at Monticelso's election to Pope, and the announcer of the news


One of Brachiano's officers


Francisco, disguised as a Moor while conspiring to kill Brachiano


A member of Francisco's faction who resides in Brachiano's court, and aids the conspirators in their plan to murder Brachiano


A member of Francisco's faction who resides in Brachiano's court, and aids the conspirators in their plan to murder Brachiano

Doctor Julio

A doctor who helps Flamineo and Brachiano poison Isabella, described as a quack and a criminal


The lawyer recruited to condemn Vittoria in her trial, characterized by his unnecessary use of flamboyant language


Several ambassadors - from Savoy, France, England, and Spain - who are recruited to judge Vittoria's trial and later involve themselves in the plot


The matron of the house of convertities (home for penitent whores) to which Vittoria is sentenced

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