The White Goddess Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The White Goddess Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The White Goddess

The White Goddess is symbolic of the persona’s motivation. The person does not lose in finding the White Goddess because he reveres her and wants to meet her.

The Seven sleepers

The seven sleepers symbolize good luck. They give the persona the hope of finding the White Goddess. They did not die after being left in the caves. Similarly, the persona’s inspiration from the white Goddess does not die at any moment.

Volcano’s head

The volcano's head symbolizes the risks that are inherent in actualizing the dream of finding the White Goddess.

The Singing Birds

The birds symbolize the joy of finding the persona’s motivation, the White Goddess.

Honey-colored lips

The lips are a symbol of beauty. Honey is sweet, so it means that the lips of the Goddess are beautiful.

Rowan Berries

A symbol of love, the berries fall under the same family as the rose plants.

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