Dante Gabriel Rossett's Self Portrait
In this self-portrait, housed at the United States National Portrait Gallery, Rossetti depicts himself as a young man. You can see how long his hair is here—it nearly reaches his shoulders—which is why the speaker could have been a woman but it is equally as possible that the speaker is a man, and possibly Rossetti himself.
Don't Be a Sap—The Guardian
This is a Guardian article about the hidden dangers of the woodspurge and its cultural significance. It's a good read if you want to learn more about this fascinating plant.
"The Woodspurge" poem text
Complete text of the poem "The Woodspurge" at the Poetry Foundation's website.
Listen to "The Woodspurge" being read aloud
Listen to "The Woodspurge" being read aloud over at poemhunter.com