The King
From the beginning of the novel, the main character, a boy of just 15 named Creighton, describes the King of England in not so positive terms. The King is portrayed as a selfish person, someone who does not care if other suffer and who wants to ensure he has the most carefree life possible. The image of the King coincides with the way the Americans saw the British ruler while also being used to explain why so many people wanted to fight for their independence.
The American Army
After arriving in America, Creighton gets into trouble and is eventually caught by the American army. Even though the army could have caused Creighton a great deal of troubles, they release him and while he was their prisoner, they treat him with kindness and humanity. This description is used here to show that in comparison with the British army, the American army was much more forgiving and made out of people who were not too quick to judge and more willing to forgive and forget.
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin is one of the most important characters in the novel and is revered by everyone who gets into contact with him. The narrator creates different pictures of Benjamin Franklin from hard working man to devoted revolutionary who will do anything to ensure the independence of his country. The images portrayed through Benjamin Franklin are used in a general way, the narrator presenting through him a form of idealized American who must always be ready to sacrifice his life for the greater good.
British society
Because Creighton was sent to America from England, the place where he lived all his life, he is often comparing the two places in his mind. These comparisons also help the reader understand the difference between the two societies and why the Americans could not understand the British way of life. For example, the British are described as being traditional while the Americans are more progress-oriented. These factor cause clashes between the two nations which eventually culminate in the Revolutionary War.