Thomas Aquinas: Selected Writings Literary Elements

Thomas Aquinas: Selected Writings Literary Elements



Setting and Context

The book was set in the 13th century

Narrator and Point of View

First-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Heartening, optimistic, spiritual

Protagonist and Antagonist

God is the central character in the entire book.

Major Conflict

The main conflict is when the author concludes that God is the unmoved mover. The stationary status of God is not fully explained.


The climax is when the author says that everything created by God has a purpose.




The statement by the author that there was a point when nothing existed is understated. Since from the first sections, God is mentioned, it is obvious that the world existed.


The stories in the book allude to God’s existence.


In the book of Daniel chapter 4, the author indicates that Angeles is similar to God. Consequently, the images of the angels depict the imagery of sight to readers.


The paradox of the Virgin Mary is evident in the book. For instance, the author argues that Mar is a blessed and the mother of Jesus, but her name should be mentioned during baptism.


The logic of the incarnation parallels the exposition of the angelic salutation.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The phrase ‘Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee’ signifies the holiness of the Virgin Mary.


The sacrament is personified as the cleanser of the sins of humanity.

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