Thomas Gray: Poems Characters

Thomas Gray: Poems Character List

The Speaker - “If I Should Die”

Thomas Gray does not validate protracted morning following his/her demise. Gray asserts, “For my sake turn to life and smile/Nerving thy heart and trembling/hand to comfort weaker souls than thee./Complete these unfinished tasks of mine.” Gray holds that the time that is spent on lamentation would be exploited by regenerating his/ her legacy. It would be healthier for the Gray’s survivors to progress with their life shortly after the entombment.

The Fatal Sisters - "The Fatal Sisters: An Ode”

Thomas Gray dedicates “The Fatal Sisters: An Ode” to sisters who are bound to encounter storms, war, crashes, conflicts, and deaths among other dangers. Thomas Gray calls on the sisters to “weave the web of death” and “cease, the work is done.”

Jove - “Hymn to Adversity”

Thomas Gray opens “Hymn to Adversity” with, “ Daughter of Jove, relentless power.” These lines personifies adversity as a daughter birthed by Jove. Accordingly Jove ( a god) is the matriarch of adversity.

A Child - “Epitaph On a Child”

The child is lifeless and entombed for Thomas Gary observes, “Here, freed from pain, secure from misery, lies.” The child’s demise discharges her/him from the tribulations that are an integral module of human life cycles.

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