Zizi (Nazir) - “Monkey Business”
Zizi is a fresh widower who is engrossed in the leeway of re-wedding for the sake of bequeathing his son a maternal figure.
Asfoori - “Monkey Business”
Asfoori is a dilapidated, nonchalant operative who publicizes ‘ the sandwich sign” with the engraving: “ Yakoub’s Yankee Café and Grille.” He croaks before Jameel who naively replicates the happenings preceding his passing.
Jameel - “Monkey Business”
Jameel “is Zizi’s son” who unrestrictedly amuses himself with the infantile unsophistication of mimicking Asfoori’s deficiencies.
Braheem Yakoub - “Monkey Business”
He is the proprietor of the sandwich-selling venture where Zizi works. Yakoub addresses Zizi as “Cousin.”
Samira - “Monkey Business”
Samira is Zizi’s defunct wife who bore him Jameel before her unfortunate passing.
The Narrator - “Through and Through”
A twenty-two, the narrator is an elusive fugitive who is on the run after being entangled in Jackie Kennedy’s grim slaying. He banishes, momentarily, in Damascus, Syria. The narrator, who is nearly seventy-four, looks back into his immersion in unlawful undertakings throughout his formative phase.
Jackie Kennedy - “Through and Through”
Jackie Kennedy is a prosperous beer merchant who is mercilessly massacred by gangs when he is twenty four. The narrator fills the ‘fingerman’ rank in the annihilation scheme.