A prophet/philosopher who descends from his mountain home to impart his knowledge to the world.
The Tight-Rope Walker
Dies after falling from his tight-rope. Zarathustra buries him.
The Jester
Responsible for causing the tight-rope walker's fall. He tells Zarathustra that he should leave the village or the villagers will kill him.
Zarathustra's Disciples
Nameless followers of Zarathustra's teachings. They often challenge him and never fully understand his teachings while Zarathustra is with them.
The Dwarf
Appears to Zarathustra in a vision. The Dwarf represents the spirit of gravity, Zarathustra's greatest enemy.
The Eagle and the Snake
Zarathustra's animals in his mountain cave. They are responsible for finding food and giving companionship to Zarathustra.
The Hunchback
A crippled man who challenges Zarathustra to heal him, though Zarathustra refuses.
The Old Man
A person Zarathustra first encounters as he leaves his mountain. The old man encourages Zarathustra to simply stay in his mountain solitude.
The Kings
Two men that Zarathustra meets while wandering away from his mountain in part four. They represent the nature of political power in the modern world.
The Man of Science and Scholastics
Also known as "the Leech," a character Zarathustra steps on while walking. He represents the inability of science to grasp all knowledge through empirical facts.
The Sorcerer
Also called "The Magician." He represents the great poets and their ability to create worlds for the divine, which cause man to believe in gods.
The Pope
A retired religious man and a former Pope who no longer believes in God but is still searching for the meaning of life.
The Ugliest Human Being
The murderer of God and the instigator of the "Ass Festival."
The Voluntary Beggar
Once a rich man, but gave all his money away in an effort to find truth and peace.
Zarathustra's Shadow
Represents those that follow Zarathustra's teachings and embrace nihilism.