Trainspotting Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What are the devastating effects of drug abuse, as postulated by the author?

    The book focuses on drug abuse and its effects on the youth. Mark and Spud are doing nothing economically, but they rely on the unemployment funds they regularly receive to buy heroin. Surprisingly, Mark and his friend have more than three addresses to ensure they access more unemployment funds to buy more heroin drugs. Under the influence of heroin, Mark and Spud break into a library to steal books to sell them to get more money to buy heroin. Additionally, under the influence of heroin, Mark sleeps with minors. Therefore, drug addiction interferes with the brain and forces one to engage in crimes such as stealing and rape.

  2. 2

    How does the issue of revenge emerge in the book ‘Trainspotting’?

    Revenge is one of the book's main themes, and it emerges when Davie and his friends kill the man who infected him with HIV. When Davie realizes that he is HIV positive, he asks his friends to help him track the man who infected him. Later, with Mark, Kelly, and other friends, they track the man down and kill him instantly. This story's harsh revelation is that the characters are practicing homosexuality because Davie is infected with HIV by a fellow man. However, the author focuses on revenge and reminds readers to be cautious of their actions because there are people if you mess their lives, must revenge and end your life.

  3. 3

    What is the figurative meaning of the character Mark?

    Mark symbolizes drug abuse and its effects. Mark fails to change his behavior even after being taken to the rehabilitation center. The author depicts Mark as an individual who has given up in life and decides to do evil things that make him happy despite injuring fellow human beings. For instance, Mark and his gang steal from people, rape minors, organize heroin parties, and deal with the drug business.

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