1 Where does Treacle Walker say he will go when he leaves time behind? Nothingness Big Meadow The Present Oblivion 2 What is Joe's full name? Joseph Walker Joseph Amren Joseph Coppock Joseph Stonehenge 3 What time period were the Knockout comics actually published in? Mid-20th century 2010 19th century The 1990s 4 Where does Joe usually sleep? By the chimney In his kitchen By the bog On the steps 5 Who does Joe go see when he thinks there is something wrong with his eyes? Thin Amren His dad Treacle Walker The optometrist 6 Who is the author of the novel's epigraph? Treacle Walker Albert Einstein Alan Garner Carlo Rovelli 7 What did "treacle" mean in medieval English? Magic A sweet syrup Curse Medicine 8 What does Joe collect from the cuckoo? Eggs Nests Marbles Twigs 9 What onomatopoeia is repeated during the novel's climax? Woof Clang Cuckoo Clack 10 What does Joe use to cover his lazy eye? An eye patch Glasses Nothing His hair 11 What other genre does Treacle Walker fit into? Science Fiction Folklore Mystery Romance 12 What object serves as a passage between realities for Joe? Door Mirror The bog Chimney 13 Who does Joe meet at the bog? The cart A pony Treacle Walker Thin Amren 14 What language does Treacle Walker NOT use? Ancient Greek Latin Scottish Irish 15 What object does Treacle Walker say is "spurned by fools" but "honoured by the wise"? The dobber His pony The stone The bone 16 When does Thin Amren wake? When he wants to go to Joe's house Whenever he wants When the cuckoo calls When he hears Treacle Walker's call 17 What does Treacle Walker use as an instrument? His stick to tap out beats A pipe A flute made out of a bone Stones as drums 18 Treacle Walker calls his magic bag a Corr Bolg; what language is this term from? English Gaelic Scottish Latin 19 What is a "copse"? A small group of trees A bog A lazy eye A house 20 The novel's setting is partially based on...? Ireland London Magical lands from myths Alan Garner's childhood home 21 Treacle Walker states that he lives in a mound; what fairytale elements does this recall? Trolls that live underground Hobbits Elves that live in tree trunks Fairies that live in hollow hills 22 What does Treacle Walker call words that are made up? Crimpet-crumpets Hubbub Macaronics Jolly jokes 23 What image is on the stone? Thin Amren Kit A donkey A cuckoo 24 What does Thin Amren wear? A leather shirt A necklace with bones A leather hood Pants 25 What prize was Treacle Walker longlisted for? The Pulitzer Prize The Booker Prize The National Book Award The Pushcart Prize