
Whiplash Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is Fletcher fired from his position at Shaffer?

    Fletcher is fired because a former student committed suicide after his abusive teaching became too much and triggered a bout of intense anxiety and depression. The student's parents seek to have Fletcher removed, but need witnesses to come forth to testify against him. After Andrew is dismissed from Shaffer, he agrees to anonymously testify against Fletcher, and his testimony leads to Fletcher being fired from the school.

  2. 2

    What is the significance of seeing blood on Andrew's hand?

    The significance of seeing Andrew with blood on his hand is that it reveals the grueling pain he is putting himself through in order to become a better drummer. The blood represents sacrifice and hard work, and swallowing one's pain in order to give oneself over to a greater power in art. We see the price Andrew is willing to pay in order to become great. In this moment, we can see both his dedication and the ways he is hurting himself.

  3. 3

    How does Andrew win the core position in Fletcher's jazz band?

    Andrew is the alternate drummer for Fletcher's jazz band when he first joins. During the first competition, Andrew accidentally misplaces the core drummer's sheet music. Without it, he can't play the piece. Andrew, on the other hand, has the piece of music memorized and so offers to step in in his place. After this, Fletcher makes him the core drummer.

  4. 4

    Why does Andrew get into an argument with his family members?

    At a family dinner, Andrew's aunt, uncle, cousins, and father seem more impressed with his cousin's academic and athletic achievements than they do with Andrew's achievements as a drummer. In trying to prove to them that his pursuits as a jazz musician are worthwhile, he puts down his cousins' achievements by suggesting that they might be following a more socially acceptable path, but that it is a path towards obscurity, not greatness. He, on the other hand, in training to become a jazz musician, is trying to become a great star, a special and rarified kind of person, in contrast to his more suburban and normative family members.

  5. 5

    What are some of the elements of J.K. Simmons' performance that led to him winning the Academy Award?

    J.K. Simmons gives a remarkable performance in the film because he plays a horrible and abusive man, but somehow also manages to show the ways that Fletcher is a human being, with clear motivations. While it is difficult to sympathize or empathize with his character, in off-moments, such as when he has a drink at the club with Andrew, we see the passion and the misplaced enthusiasm that drives him to be such a terror as a teacher. His emotionally subtle performance, contrasted with his over-the-top terrifying moments as Fletcher, make his performance award-worthy.

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