York Mystery Plays Imagery

York Mystery Plays Imagery

The Imagery of Singing Angels - “The Fall of the Angels”

The angels’ singing: “We praise thee O god, we acknowledge thee to be the Lord…Holy holy holy Lord God of hosts” The singing constructs the imagery of symphonic melodies which announce God’s unmatchable power. Obviously, the tone is deferential and affectionate.

The Imagery of the Occupants of the Ark - “The Building of the Ark”

God instructs Noah, “And when that it is ordained so/With diverse stalls and stages sere,/Of ilka kind thou shall take two,/Both male and female fare in fere. They wife, they sons, with thee shall go/And their three wives, without were; These eight bodies, without mo.” Apart from Noah’s household, the ark houses handpicked fauna (masculine and feminine). The assortment of the lodgers guarantees a novel inauguration of new organisms after the denouement of the floods.

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