A Hope in the Unseen Characters

A Hope in the Unseen Character List

Cedric Jennings

The protagonist of the novel is Cedric Jennings, an African American student who attends Brown University. The novel chronicles his struggles as a high-achiever in a poor neighborhood, and then his struggles to fit in when he attends college.

Barbara Jennings

Cedric's mother, who lives in a small apartment and has a low-paying job. She raised Cedric entirely by herself due to the absence of his father and began to feel depressed when he left for university. As a result, she begins spending a lot of money and struggles to pay rent. After she is nearly evicted, Cedric stops speaking to her for a short time, but later forgives her.

Cedric's father

Cedric's father, who is repeatedly sent to prison due to using and selling drugs. He does not have much of a presence in Cedric's life, and isn't impressed by his academic achievements, but they reconnect later in the novel.

Mr. Taylor

Cedric's chemistry teacher in high school, who encourages Cedric in his ambitions and supports him with his studies beyond the school curriculum.

Dr. Korb

Cedric's sponsor at university, who financially supports him and invites him round for dinner on Thanksgiving.


Zayd is Cedric's university friend and has had a very different upbringing. They become best friends as a result of their differences, but this situation causes some issues between them.


Chiniqua is the only black student other than Cedric in his unit. Cedric can relate to her, as they have had similar upbringings, and they begin dating.

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