A Hope in the Unseen Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How is Cedric's mother presented in the text?

    Cedric's mother Barbara is presented as an admirable character, who single-handedly brought up her son due to his father's drug abuse and absence. She is depicted as a good mother, who tries to provide for her son and give him the best life possible. For example, she left her job when Cedric was born so that she could spend more time with him, which meant sacrificing a lot. She is also a religious character, taking Cedric to church when he was younger. Barbara also used to give money to the church to show her support, despite the fact she didn't have a lot to give.

    When Cedric left for university, Barbara began to feel very depressed due to loneliness. As a result, she started to spend her money on things she didn't really need, instead of important things like rent and bills. As a result, she was nearly evicted, which caused Cedric distress when he found out. Later, Cedric forgives her and they reconnect. As such, Barbara is presented as being a good mother who spent years putting her son before her self. After he leaves, she must reconsider her role, purpose, and identity.

  2. 2

    What is the significance of religion in A Hope in the Unseen?

    Religion is a key aspect of Cedric's identity, as it is something he grew up with. His mother Barbara was deeply religious, and Cedric accompanied her to church throughout his childhood. As he gets older and begins to develop personally and academically, he begins to distance himself from religion, finding it too stifling.

    For Barbara, attending church is a key part of her routine, and it provides her with a feeling of belonging and structure. Through this character, we see the positive impact religion can have on people and their well-being. Barbara shows loyalty and support to the church, and when she is evicted they return the favor and pay her rent, which confirms her faith in religion. However, we also see the negative effects of organized religion through Cedric, as he struggles with the lack of individual expression and freedom within the church. Cedric is a member of the choir and is very enthusiastic in his performances. However, he is asked by the church to restrain himself, which he finds upsetting.

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