A.R. Ammons: Poems Characters

A.R. Ammons: Poems Character List

The narrator in "Muse’’

In the poem entitled "Muse’’, the only character who appears is the narrator. He talks in the poem about the creative process and describes how hard it was for him to create art. He mentions how at times he had to tear himself to pieces to be able to create art in the real sense of the word and to come up with something he can be proud of.

Aunts, uncles, parents and relatives

In the poem entitled "Easter Morning’’ the narrator talks about his relatives who all died before him. because of this, the narrator found himself in the situation to stand by their graves as time passed on. The narrator talks about those dead people in a positive manner even though they are not mentioned by name.

The boy

In the poem entitled "Easter Morning’’, a small boy appears as one of the main characters. The small boy is standing by the graves of his family and friends and suffers because he is the only one left alive.


In the poem entitled "Mule Song’’ the main character is the mule that is described in the poem. While it is not mentioned that Silver it is the mule, the reader can understand that she is the mule from the way the narrator talks about it. The mule is described as being unaffected by what happens around him and by being eventually sold and killed by a stranger.

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