A.R. Ammons: Poems Themes

A.R. Ammons: Poems Themes

The creative process

In the poem entitled "Muse’’ the narrator describes the creative process through which his poems came to be. The creative process is compared with the formation of a brilliant diamond from nothingness and the narrator talks about darkness and how beautiful things come out of the darkness in most cases. The darkness is used here as a symbol for the birthplace of the most beautiful literary creations and also to suggest how the creative process is not an easy one but rather a complex and complicated one.

Meaning over form

One of the main themes we can find in many of the poems is the idea that the form of the poem, or the way in which it is written is not that important. The narrator criticizes those who chose to focus on the form of the poem and fail to focus on what is truly important, namely the meaning transmitted through the poem. For the narrator, the meaning is much more important than the way in which a poem was written.

The true meaning of life

In the poem entitled "Corsons Inlet’’, the main theme deals with the true meaning of life and the narrator tries to prove what it is the true meaning of life. The narrator watches the birds and different animals on a beach and watches as they feed. The narrator sees the birds eating other creatures and the birds being eaten as well by other creatures as well. Thus, through this poem, the narrator transmits the idea that the most important thing in life is not love or material things but surviving.

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