A Serious Proposal to the Ladies Characters

A Serious Proposal to the Ladies Character List


Mary Astell lectures ladies in “A Serious Proposal to Ladies” where she endorses that they should rise above superficial beauty by embracing intrinsic worth which never dwindles.

“Good Men and Angels”

Astell recommends that ladies should strive for the unqualified validation of “Good men and Angels” rather than the adulation of insincere admirers.

'Mother Eve'

Astell alludes to ‘Mother Eve’ to stress the exaltation which all the women deserve. The glory would elicit explicit pleasure in the women’s lifespans.


Astell proposes that ladies should champion categorical righteousness by laboring for God through “charity and Beneficence to others.”


Astell ascribes the low productivity of women to men, for it is males who have endeavored to daunt women from gaining ‘liberal Education.’

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