A Serious Proposal to the Ladies Imagery

A Serious Proposal to the Ladies Imagery

Imagery of ‘Temptation Scene’

Astell explains, “A constant Scene of Temptations and the infection of ill company, is another great danger which conversing in the world exposes to. ’Tis a dangerous thing to have all the opportunities of sinning in our power, and the danger is increas’d by the ill Precedents we daily see of those who take them. Liberty (as some body says) will corrupt an Angel, and tho’ it is indeed more glorious to conquer than to fly, yet since our Vertue is so visibly weakened in other instances, we have no reason to presume on’t in this.” The companionship of an inappropriate individuals would entice an individual to undercut virtues. Temptations emerge when an individual has outright, unhampered liberty.

The Imagery of the “Braveness and Greatness of Soul”

Astell explicates, “There is a sort of Bravery and Greatness of Soul, which does more truly ennoble us than the highest Title, and it consists in living up to the dignity of our Natures, being so sensible of our own worth as to think our selves too great to do a degenerate and unbecoming thing; in passing indifferently thro’ Good and Evil Fortune, without being corrupted by the one or deprest by the other.” A soul flaunts its dignity when it does not naturally submit to coercion to upon its infringe self-respect. Folks who champion self-dignity have the strength to cultivate audacious and prototypical souls. A gallant soul cannot be destabilized.

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