Alexander Hamilton Quotes


Washington had several surrogate sons during the Revolution, most notably the marquis de Lafayette, and he often referred to Hamilton as “my boy.”

Omniscient narrator, Ron Chernow

This quote shows how close Washington was to Hamilton. Hamilton was George Washington's right-hand man/ Aide de Camp for several years and they had built a great bond. Alexander's legacy was re-built on the faith of the people that knew and loved him, such as the words of the trusted President George Washington.

Hamilton, the human word machine,

Omniscient narrator, Ron Chernow

Alexander Hamilton spent a great deal of his life writing. He wrote 51 of the federalist papers, which consists of 85 articles supporting the Constitution. He made a big difference in his country, but lost a lot in his personal life for it. His relationship with Elizabeth became conflicted, and he ended up cheating on her.

After the death of John Laurens, Hamilton shut off some compartment of his emotions and never reopened it.

Omniscient narrator, Ron Chernow

John Laurens was one of Hamilton’s closest friends and died an early death during the Battle of the Combahee River. After his death, Hamilton's feelings and actions seemed to go in a downward spiral, which shows how much John Laurens's friendship with Alexander Hamilton meant.

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