The Duke and I is a historical romance novel written by Julia Quinn and is the first in her Bridgerton Series. The series follows the romantic journey of eight siblings and how they handle British society. The series has reached both The New York...
It's in His Kiss is a historical romance novel written by Julia Quinn and is the seventh in her Bridgerton Series. The series follows the romantic journey of eight siblings and how they handle British society when it comes to marriage and love. It...
An Offer From a Gentleman is a historical romance novel written by Julia Quinn and is the third in her Bridgerton Series. The series follows the romantic journey of eight siblings and how they handle British society when it comes to marriage and...
On the Way to the Wedding is a historical romance novel written by Julia Quinn and is the eighth and final book in the Regency-set Bridgeton series. The book series charts the romantic pursuits of the eight siblings in the Bridgeton household from...
Romancing Mr Bridgerton is a historical romance novel written by Julia Quinn and is the fourth in her Bridgerton Series. The series follows the romantic journey of eight siblings and how they handle British society when it comes to marriage and...
To Sir Phillip, With Love is a historical romance novel written by Julia Quinn and is the fourth in her Bridgerton Series. The series follows the romantic journey of eight siblings and how they handle British society when it comes to marriage and...
The Viscount Who Loved Me is a historical romance novel written by Julia Quinn and is the first in her Bridgerton Series. The series follows the romantic journey of eight siblings and how they handle British society. The series has reached both ...
When He Was Wicked is a historical romance novel written by Julia Quinn and is the seventh in her Bridgerton Series. The series follows the romantic journey of eight siblings and how they handle British society when it comes to marriage and love....