Batman: The Killing Joke Literary Elements

Batman: The Killing Joke Literary Elements


Graphic Novel / Comic / Fantasy Fiction

Setting and Context

Set in the fictional city of Gotham

Narrator and Point of View

The narration is both in first and second-person points of view.

Tone and Mood

Ominous, Somber, Darkly Humorous

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist: Batman Antagonist: The Joker

Major Conflict

The Joker has escaped Arkham Asylum and is out to cause chaos by torturing the Commissioner until he loses his mind.


The climax perhaps occurs when Batman offers to rehabilitate the Joker from his worldview but he refuses the hero’s request.


“There were these two guys in a lunatic asylum…”

This sentence in the opening scene foreshadows the anecdote that the Joker narrates to Batman at the end. Moreover, it represents the rivalry between the Caped Crusader and the Crown Prince of Crime that is explored throughout the narrative.


Every statement the Joker makes after a horrific deed is an understatement because he makes jokes out of horrendous antics.


The novel alludes to the Joker’s origin story.


The Joker’s colorful attire and face are portrayed more vibrant including the Funhouse scenes to convey the disturbing nature of the villain’s worldview.


Though the Joker embraces chaos and the meaningless of life by discounting law and order he still admits that he is willing to let Batman try to convert his worldview.


The novel mirrors the two characters through their view of justice and injustices in the world. Both Batman and Joker have had a dark past that molded them into the individuals they are in the present. They are similar in many ways except for their worldviews in how they choose to either overcome or embrace the madness.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

“You can trade your gloom for a rubber room, and injections twice a day”



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