“Beartown” is a first novel in the series written by a famous Swedish author, Fredrik Backman. Beartown is a translation of the Swedish name of the small town, Bjornstad, where the novel is set. The novel centers around the town’s tradition in ice hockey, a tradition which is about to be revived and bring life to the town, with the qualification of the hockey team in the national semi-finals.
This hope for the revival of Beartown is crushed with the devastating act the star player, Kevin, commits against Maya, the daughter of one of the members of the committee. It leads to a difficult choice between the town’s reputation and doing what is right in the situation. Maya’s parents decide to stand up for their daughter and report Kevin, despite the consequences for Beartown.
The novel explores difficult topics of tradition and reputation, sexual assault, trauma and regret. It portrays the small-town atmosphere, closeness and pressure that comes with that. The book was a large success, which led to the TV adaptation.