Before Night Falls Characters

Before Night Falls Character List

Reinaldo Arenas

Arenas is the protagonist and narrator of this autobiographical novel. He grows up in Cuba without a father. Persecuted by the government for being a homosexual and for writing criticism about Cuba's leadership, he eventually finds himself in prison. Throughout his life he remains dedicated to educating the world on the crimes against its people which Cuba is committing. He desires two things: to find a lover and to make it to the United States

Reinaldo's Mom

She is a single mother, hard and reserved. She doesn't spend much time with him because she works a great deal. Instead, she leaves her sister in charge of the boy. Hardened by the years, she refuses to accept help from others and all but spits on Reinaldo's dad when he shows up one day.

Reinaldo's Aunt

She is responsible for him most of the time. As she learns more about his time, she starts to increasingly hate him. Eventually she learns that he's gay and turns him in to the authorities.

Reinaldo's Grandmother

She is the quiet matriarch. Despite her age, she keeps herself busy socially. She tells Reinaldo stories for hours on end about when she was younger and about his mom.

Fidel Castro

Castro comes into power in Cuba when Reinaldo is 16-years-old. He is a ruthless dictator, who doesn't spare his people any suffering while he grows increasingly richer. Reinaldo blames Castro for all of the suffering of his lifetime. When he commits suicide, Reinaldo still blames Castro for everything including the act itself.

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