Before Night Falls Metaphors and Similes

Before Night Falls Metaphors and Similes

The appearance of the hoop “like a bicycle wheel”

The narrator brings out the imagery of the hoop that he sees the man turning through directly comparing it to a bicycle wheel. Through this direct comparison of the shape and appearance of the loop to a bicycles wheel, the narrator is able to appeal to the reader’s sense of imagination.

The strength of the heavy downpour “like a massive army”

The writer presents the imagery of the heavy downpour in this work through the use of a simile. In particular, the writer compares the way in which the rainfall would come down strong and immense “like a massive army marching across the trees.” This comparison enhances imagery of the colossal approach of the rain.

The reverberating rainfall on the zinc roof “like gunfire”

The writer appeals to the reader’s sense of imagination through the particular presentation of the effect of the rain on the zinc roof to gunfire. In this way, the reader is able to perceive the sounds as loud. Additionally, the same is enhanced by the simile in which the sound of the reverberating rainfall on the roof is compared to a million footsteps.

The falling of the sun into the sea “like a giant balloon”

The writer brings out through the use of a simile the sunsets on the beaches of Havana, Cuba. The imagery of the same is brought out through the direct comparison of the setting sun to a giant balloon. This comparison enhances imagery.

The image of Heberto Padilla walking down the street “like a ghost”

The beaten and defeated image of Heberto Padilla after his rehabilitation is brought out through the use of a simile in which his appearance is compared to that of a ghost. The reader is able to perceive the appearance of Heberto as that of a tired, beaten and defeated soul.

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