Being John Malkovich Irony

Being John Malkovich Irony

The Truth is for Suckers

After having a bad experience with Craig in his body, John tells his friend Charlie Sheen that he's losing it. That this women Maxine is really freaking him out by calling him Lotte and his experience. Ironically Charlie doesn't comfort him, instead he wants to know when he's done with Maxine so he can be with her.

A Sign of Love

Once Craig finds the portal to Malkovich he tells Maxine in order to get closer to her. Ironically she doesn't care about getting close, she only wants to use the portal to make money by creating a side business where people can go inside of Malkovich for 15 minutes.

Going Through Your Own Portal

Malkovich finds out that there is a portal to his body being exploited and he wants to go through it. When others experience it they find euphoria, but ironically when John goes through it is a complete nightmare. Thus this is what happens when someone goes through there own portal.

Lotte and the Portal

Craig shows Lotte the portal in order to get her off of his back so that he and Maxine can run there business together without her. So, he let's her go through it. Ironically she falls in love with Maxine while inside Malkovich and steals Maxine away from Craig.

A Night In

Maxine shows up at Malkovich's apartment after setting up a late night rendezvous with him. He goes in to kiss her as soon as she comes to the door, but ironically she pushes him away until Lotte has entered his body. She wants nothing to do with Malkovich, she even seems bored with him until Lotte is in him.

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