Being John Malkovich Quotes


"This portal is mine and must be sealed up forever. For the love of God."

John Malkovich

Malkovich says this to Craig demanding that this lunacy be stopped as it is driving him crazy. Craig then tells him that he found it and its his livlihood. This interaction brings up the issue of how people use others for their own gain. Rather than seeking to find a way to do things based on who they are, they find merit from using other people.

"There is truth, and there are lies, and art always tells the truth. Even when it's lying."

Craig while inside John Malkovich

Craig says this to a television audience while he is inside of John Malkovich. He's become famous and with Malkovich's celebrity we see that though he spews out loads of bull he is seen as genius. It's a dangerous statement because there isn't someone there to challenge whether he is right or wrong. He is simply being told he's right by no one saying anything, and that is wrong.

"I have seen a world that NO man should see!"

John Malkovich

John says this after returning from his journey through his own mind where everyone looks like him and only speaks his name. It's a horrofying experience and an ironic one as once he experiences what everyone else gets great pleasure from he cannot imagine why anyone would ever enjoy such a trip.

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