Beyond Good and Evil Metaphors and Similes

Beyond Good and Evil Metaphors and Similes

The clumsy rolling through life of men with costly things to hide “like an old, green, heavily-hooped wine-cask”

A man that has something to hide is prepared to undergo various processes in order to ensure that their secrets remain protected. The way these men roll through life in a clumsy way “like an old, green, heavily-hooped wine cask.” This comparison enables the reader to develop a more profound understanding of the depicted event.

The obscuring effect of prejudices on the “free spirit” conception “like a fog”

The writer uses a simile to bring out the obscuring effect of old and stupid prejudices that have made the conception of the “free spirit” ideologies obscure. These prejudices are compared to a fog, a situation that enhances imagery.

Unpeaceable “like the cat”

The writer presents, in this work, how both men and women deceive each other as a result of their inclination towards honoring and loving themselves or their own ideals. In this line, a man wishes a woman to be more peaceable even though they are unpeaceable “like the cat.” Through this comparison, the writer enables a conception of the unpeaceable woman in more concrete terms.

The effect of pity on a man of knowledge “like tender hands on a Cyclops”

The writer uses a simile in this work to compare the effect of pity on a man of knowledge to the touch of a hand on a Cyclops. The use of this simile plays the role of enhancing imagery as the reader is able to relate the two aspects compared to each other and found more tangible meaning.


In the portrayal and protest against the indecorous alteration of rank which in the current times has subtly tried to establish itself in the fields of philosophy and science, Nietzsche uses a simile in which the importance of treating this issue based on one’s experience is brought out. He says that one must have the right out of one's own EXPERIENCEto treat of such an important question of rank, so as not to speak of colour like the blind…”

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