Teacher Guide

Blossoms of the Savannah Lesson Plan

Relationship to Other Books

Related books include:

Petals of Blood (1977) by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, another prominent Kenyan author, about the Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya.

Kulet’s other works, including To Become a Man (1972), The Hunter (2011), Maisha ya Hatari (1990), Daughter of Maa (1987), Moran No More (1990), Bandits of Kibi (1999), Vanishing Herds (2011), and The Elephant Dance (2016).

Novels which were popular in Kenya around the time Kulet's works first began to be published, including The Minister’s Daughter (1975) by Mwangi Ruheni, or Across the Bridge (1979) by Mwangi Gicheru.

Books by contemporary African writers who were influenced by Kulet, including Margaret Ogola, Stanley Gazemba, and Mbugua Ng'ang'a.

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