Caleb Williams Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What are some examples of disguise and deception in the text?

    While Caleb is on the run, he dresses in several disguises to avoid being arrested. For example, he dresses as a poor Jewish boy and wears an artificial hump. Despite this, he is caught.

    An example of deception in the text is that of Tyrell's death. Hawkins is accused of his murder, despite the fact that Falkland is guilty. Falkland continues to live in falsity and deception, telling Caleb that he is innocent.

    Overall, the themes of disguise and deception suggest a larger theme of things being different than they seem. This reflects Godwin's argument that the justice system is corrupted, and that although it appears to support morality, it actually allows injustice to prosper.

  2. 2

    How does Caleb show his sincerity and morality in the text?

    Throughout the text, Caleb is shown to be a sincere character, with strong moral principles. He is passionate about avenging the false execution of Hawkins, despite the apparent danger to himself.

    Later in the text, Falkland offers Caleb a deal, saying that if he signs a document saying that Falkland is innocent of Tyrell's murder, he will be left alone. Although it would be easier for him, Caleb does not sign the document as he believes it would be wrong to support injustice.

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