Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958 Film) Imagery

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958 Film) Imagery

Climbing the Stairs

Brick is seen climbing the stairs while Mae accuses him of lying about Maggie being pregnant. The imagery shows that that Brick, though he still has a broken leg he is finally choosing to climb out of the hole of depression he has soaked in for years.

Two Pillows

The end of the film shows Brick tossing a pillow onto his and Maggie's bed as they kiss. The imagery reveals to us that he is choosing to make love to his wife, that he will not be a liar; his first step in doing so is making a baby with Maggie in order that the fortune he inherits will be because of the truth.

Heavy Rain

Big Daddy chases Brick into the pouring rain to tell him that Skipper's death was not his fault, and that life is more than the applause of men. The imagery shows us that Big Daddy is confronting his son with the truth and once they move into the rain Brick reveals that Big Daddy has cancer, this imagery shows us the downpour of truth upon his father.


Big Daddy and Brick have a major confrontation in the basement where Brick breaks down in front of his father for the first time in his life. The imagery of the two men in the basement shows that they are both at their lowest and surrounded by antiques and the fame of Brick's youth. None of these things matter; it's only love that lasts through the ages between two men.

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