Complete Poems of Marianne Moore Characters

Complete Poems of Marianne Moore Character List


Jacob is a name that appears in the poem "The Heroes’’ and it is mentioned by the narrator when she talks about various heroes in history. Jacob was an important man who was blessed by God. At the end of his life, when he was blind and sick, he called his sons to him to bless them. During that episode, he was deceived by his youngest son.


Cincinnatus is the name given to a Roman emperor who ruled Rome before the birth of Christ.

The black man and woman

The narrator lists the black man and woman in the poem "The Heroes’’ as also being one of the modern-day heroes. The reason why they are considered heroes is because they refuse to accept the way in which society treats them and tells them to behave.


Moses in another biblical character mentioned in the poem "The Heroes’’. He was the son of a Jewish family who was abandoned by his mother who tried to save him. He was taken in by the pharaohs's daughter and raised at the court.

El Greco

El Greco is another character mentioned in the poem "The Heroes’’. He was a painter who became famous for his unique style.

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