Complete Poems of Marianne Moore Poem Text

Complete Poems of Marianne Moore Poem Text

The Hero

Where there is personal liking we go.

Where the ground is sour; where there are

weeds of beanstalk height,

snakes' hypodermic teeth, or

the wind brings the "scarebabe voice:

from the neglected yew set with

the semi-precious cat's eyes of the owl -

awake, asleep, "raised ears extended to fine points," and so

on - love won't grow.

We do not like some things, and the hero

doesn't; deviating head-stones

and uncertainty;

going where one does not wish

to go; suffering and not

saying so; standing and listening where something

is hiding. The hero shrinks

as what it is flies out on muffled wings, with twin yellow

eyes - to and fro -

with quavering water-whistle note, low,

high, in basso-falsetto chirps

until the skin creeps.

Jacob when a-dying, asked

Joseph: Who are these? and blessed

both sons, the younger most, vexing Joseph. And

Joseph was vexing to some.

Cincinnatus was; Regulus; and some of our fellow

men have been, although devout,

like Pilgrim having to go slow,

to find his roll; tired but hopeful -

hope not being hope

until all ground for hope as

vanished; as lenient, looking

upon a fellow creature's error with the

feelings of a mother - a

woman or a cat. The decorous frock-coated Negro

by the grotto

answers the fearless sightseeing hobo

who asks the man she's with, what's this,

what's that, where's Martha

buried, "Gen'ral Washington

there; his lady here"; speaking

as if in a play - not seeing her; with a

sense of human dignity

and reverence for mystery, standing like the shadow

of the willow.

Moses would not be grandson to Pharaoh.

It is not what I eat that is

my natural meat,

the hero says. He's not out

seeing a sight but the rock

crystal thing to see - the startling El Greco

brimming with inner light - that

covets nothing that it has let go. This then you may know

as the hero.

No Swan So Fine

"No water so still as the

dead fountains of Versailles." No swan,

with swart blind look askance

and gondoliering legs, so fine

as the chintz china one with fawn-

brown eyes and toothed gold

collar on to show whose bird it was.

Lodged in the Louis Fifteenth

candelabrum-tree of cockscomb-

tinted buttons, dahlias,

sea-urchins, and everlastings,

it perches on the branching foam

of polished sculptured

flowers - at ease and tall. The king is dead.

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