Crow : From the Life and Songs of the Crow Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Crow : From the Life and Songs of the Crow Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The vulva

The poem "The Crow’s first Lesson’’ ends with the description of a man being attacked by a vulva falling from the Crow’s mouth. The vulva has the power here to attack the man and also to make it almost impossible for him to breath. The vulva is used here as a symbol for the power a woman’s sexuality can have over a man while also showing how it can be deadly at times.

Garbage can

The narrator describes in great detail the garbage can sitting in the middle of a field in the poem "Crow Alights’’. While it is clear that the garbage can is in a bad shape, the narrator focuses his attention on it, thus implying its importance. The garbage can is also a symbol, used in the poem to allude to the general condition in which humanity finds itself.

Symbol for power

In the poem "Crow Communes’’, the narrator describes God shoulder as being a mountain on which the Crow sat and looked at the world. When God did not answer to his questions, the Crow took a bite from the flesh of God and he immediately gained wisdom and power and was able to see the world more clearly. Taking this event into consideration, it becomes clear that the flesh the Crow consumed is used here as a symbol for power and knowledge.

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