Decline and Fall tells the story of Paul Pennyfeather, a young man who finds himself in a number of unlucky and unfortunate situations. As a social satire, this novel provides a humorous insight into 1920s England, exposing the flaws and foibles of aristocratic society.
Class is a key theme of this text, with Waugh exploring how a person's social class influences their sense of responsibility and duty. This is especially true in terms of higher education, where Waugh shows how lower-class students are disregarded and neglected, while the aristocratic students are given more attention.
There is hardly an area of English society Waugh spares in this piercing satire, as he explores inherent weaknesses in culture, education, and attitudes. Significantly, he depicts British people in the 1920s are being incredibly judgmental, and as being suspicious of those who are different or unconventional.