Decline and Fall Summary

Decline and Fall Summary

Decline and Fall, written by Evelyn Waugh, is in some sense a biographical novel about Waugh's life, following his time as a student attending Oxford University, and his career as a teacher in Wales. This novel is also considered to be a social satire, providing humorous commentary on 1920s England, showing how much things had changed after the First World War.

This novel tells the story of Paul Pennyfeather, an intelligent but rather unlucky young man, who finds himself in a number of unfortunate circumstances, leading to his demise. While at Oxford University, Paul joins the scandalous Bollinger Club, committing a number of "misdemeanors," that he is punished for by being expelled from the university.

Paul finds himself in a formidable situation, no longer having financial help from his sponsor. It is then that he accepts a position as a teacher in a school in North Wales. The rest of the novel chronicles his time at the school, as he enters new relationships and takes on more responsibility.

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