Emotional expression (metaphor)
The most frequent of the metaphorical models of the inner world of the characters is "feel or thought is light." This light of thoughts and feelings can manifest itself in two ways. Feelings and thoughts, expressed calmly and steadily, are glowing. It is said about Marya Timofeevna Lebyadkina: "... something dreamy and sincere glowed in her quiet, almost joyful glance." "Something victorious and proud lit up in the face of Varvara Petrovna" - this is also a smooth, stately feeling.
Hot feeling (metaphor)
Another metaphorical model is "feeling is heat". In this metaphor, linguistic metaphorical epithet "hot" is used very often - hot words, hot eyes, etc. This metaphor is also associated with Stavrogin's internal struggle after Shatov punches him in his face - "his victory over sense of outrage is likened to overcoming severe physical pain from squeezing red-hot iron in the hand."
Wonders of nature (simile)
The narrator very beautifully compares nature with unusual effects. At last, a gloomy dawn comes up in the city, and then "a slow rain begins, as if through a sieve". This simile makes it clear to the reader that the raindrops are very small and almost invisible.