In Kate Chopin's short story "Desiree's Baby," Madame Valmonde, Desiree's adoptive mother, is initially amused at the thought of Desiree's baby because she finds it unexpected and ironic. Madame Valmonde had not anticipated that Desiree, who was...
The Question and Answer section for Desiree’s Baby is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.
In Kate Chopin's short story "Desiree's Baby," Madame Valmonde, Desiree's adoptive mother, is initially amused at the thought of Desiree's baby because she finds it unexpected and ironic. Madame Valmonde had not anticipated that Desiree, who was...
In the story's opening, a flashback, Chopin provides an insight into the speed with which Armand chooses to marry Desiree, not really caring about her background, despite Monsieur Valmondé's insistence to the contrary.
“Monsieur Valmondé grew...
She was a baby younger than on year old when she was found.