Django Unchained

Django Unchained Character List

Django Freeman

Django is a former slave turned bounty hunter. He married Broomhilda while living on a plantation and was sold off cheap for trying to run away with her. Schultz tracks Django down in order to gain his assistance in finding and killing the Brittle brothers, which he does. This gains Django his freedom and he decides to stay a bounty hunter, and his skills grow rapidly. Ultimately, Django is seeking to free his wife and restore their love.

Dr. King Schultz

Dr. King Schultz is a former dentist turned bounty hunter from Dusseldorf, Germany. He purchases Django from Ace and Dicky Speck and asks for his assistance in finding and killing the Brittle brothers. They do so, and Schultz gives Django his freedom. Shultz has a moral obligation to Django as he is the first slave he has freed. Thus he trains him to become a gunslinger and bounty hunter and agrees to help Django find and free his wife, Broomhilda.

Broomhilda von Shaft

Broomhilda is Django's wife, who was taught German by one of her mistresses. She and Django were married while on the Carrucan plantation, and attempted to run away together. After they were caught, she was branded and sold at auction to a separate plantation. Django searches for her after being freed by Schultz, and they are eventually reunited at Calvin Candie's plantation, Candyland.

Calvin Candie

Calvin Candie is the owner of a plantation called "Candyland." Candie is a Francophile, although he is not fluent in French. Candie is an avid fan of "Mandingo fighting"—a bloodsport where male slaves fight to the death. Candie treats Django with respect as a freeman, but treats his other slaves with extreme brutality. His treatment of his slaves is based in part on the pseudoscience of phrenology. Candie is killed by Schultz when he insists on shaking Schultz's hand.


Stephen is Calvin Candie's loyal head house servant. Stephen is immediately suspicious of Django's presence in the house at Candyland, and the first to intuit that he and Broomhilda have a preexisting relationship. Stephen is heartbroken when Candie is killed, and suggests that Django be sent to the LeQuint Dickey Mining Camp. Though Django frees the rest of Candie's slaves, he decides to execute Stephen for his treachery to the other enslaved men and women.

Leonide Moguy

Leonide Moguy is Calvin Candie's lawyer, who greets Schultz and Django upon their arrival at Candyland. Moguy tells them that Candie's family paid for his legal education, which causes Django to slyly comment that it is as if Moguy is also one of Candie's slaves. Moguy shoots Schultz for murdering Candie, just before himself being killed by Django.

Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly

Lara Lee is Calvin Candie's widowed sister, who also lives at Candyland. Lara Lee is a "Southern belle" caricature, who obediently performs her duties as a white woman. Well-mannered and polite, Lara Lee reprimands Calvin for showing Broomhilda's scars at the dinner table. Lara Lee is also bloodthirsty and deeply racist, ordering Django to be castrated after killing Calvin.

Billy Crash

Billy Crash is one of Calvin Candie's white field hands, and a member of the cavalcade that shows Django and Schultz around the Candyland grounds on the first day. Billy is suspicious of Django from the start, telling Django that they will soon go "walkin' in the moonlight." Billy often mispronounces Django as "Duh-jango," and nearly castrates him near the end of the film, before Stephen intervenes.


D'Artagnan is a runaway slave who is found by Calvin Candie and his men in a tree in the middle of the tour that they give Django and Schultz around Candyland. Candie scolds D'Artagnan for only participating in three out of the five requisite "Mandingo fights" that Candie expects from slaves. Schultz offers to buy him, but Django refuses, and Candie eventually orders that he be mauled to death by rabid dogs.

John "Big Daddy" Bennett

John Bennett is the owner of the plantation in Gatlinburg where Django and Schultz find the Brittle brothers. Bennett is skeptical of Django and Schultz until they offer him an enticing business proposition for one of his slaves. Bennett orders the men off his property after they kill the Brittle brothers, and is later killed by Django after attempting to order a racist mob after them in the middle of the night.

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