Edward Thomas: Poems Characters

Edward Thomas: Poems Character List

The birds

In the poem "Ambition’’ the narrator mentions two birds, an owl and a woodpecker. They are the first beings to appear in the poem.

The train

The train is another important element in the poem "Ambition’’ and can be seen almost as a character because it is personified. The train is used in this context to make reference to the power of technological advancements.

The narrator in ''Ambition''

The narrator is another character that appears in the poem "Ambition’’. He is presented as siting in his room and watching the train as it passes by.

The narrator in ''And you, Helen''

The narrator in the poem mentioned above is described as a person who is so in love that he is willing to give up everything just to make the other person happy. In this sense, the narrator appears to be almost pathetic in his declarations of live.


Helen is the woman mentioned in the poem "And you, Helen’’. She does not appear in person but the narrator mentions her in the poem as being the love of his life and the person he would be willing to do everything just to make her happy.


Emily is another female character that appears in the poem "April’’. She has certain ties with the narrator as well and it is implied that the two were involved in some way or another.

The farmer

The farmer is the main character in the poem "As The Team's Head-Brass’’. He talks with the narrator as he works and asks the narrator about whether he joined the army and if he plans to.

The dead soldier

The dead soldier appears in the poem "As The Team's Head-Brass’’ and is mentioned by the farmer. The soldier used to be a farmer and help his friends but he died in action.

The narrator in "As The Team's Head-Brass’’

The narrator is a simple man who refused to go to war because he was afraid of getting hurt or killed. Because of this, he decided to stay behind and work the fields.


Bob is the main character in the poem "Bob’s Lane’’. He is described as someone who loves nature and who would do anything to take care of it. After he died, he is still remembered because of the trees he planted and the trees that remained behind.

The celandine

The flower appears in the poem entitled "Celandine’’ and it can be seen as a character because it is personified and presented as a maiden. Ultimately, the flower is used in the poem as a symbol for hope and perception.

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