Edward Thomas: Poems Quotes


‘’So many things I would give you

Had I an infinite great store

Offered me and I stood before

To choose.’’

The narrator, ‘’And you, Helen’’

The quote from above appears in the poem ‘’And you, Helen’’ and it appears in the beginning of the poem, before the narrator starts listing the things he is willing to give her. As the poem progresses, it becomes clearer and clearer that the narrator is willing to do anything for the woman he loves and would be willing to offer his own life if she were to ask for it. The quote can be used to show the extent to which many people are willing to go to please those who they love and care about.

‘’About the weather, next about the war.’’

The narrator, ‘’As the Team’s Head Brass’’

In the poem mentioned above, the narrator encounters a farmer on a field, plowing. The two start a conversation which quickly moves from the weather to the war. The later subject is something the both of them have some knowledge and so they enjoy talking about it. The farmer mentions his dead friend while the narrator gives arguments about why he chose not to go to war. The transition between the two subjects is an easy one for the both parties involved and they both find themselves knowledgeable in the subject. This proves just how much war influenced the lives of normal people who in other circumstances would have had nothing to do with politics and the ruling of a country.

‘’But this was a dream; the flowers were not true,’’

The narrator, ‘’Celandine’’

In the poem mentioned above, the narrator talks about a flower which he sees in February. The flower brings the narrator joy and he describes it in great detail, as something that brings people hope and makes them feel alive. The end of the poem reveals however that the flower was not real and everything was something imagined by the narrator. This is thus a conflict between perception and reality and it shows how sometimes our desire to feel something or see something gives us the illusion that what is not real exists. This poem thus makes the reader question the true nature of reality and weather what we feel is true or is simply and illusion.

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