Alan Strang
A seventeen-year-old boy who has an intense, religious fascination with horses. After blinding six horses with a spike one night, he is sent to therapy with Martin Dysart, who attempts to uncover the reasoning behind this act and his pathological obsession with these animals.
Martin Dysart
Alan's psychiatrist. Martin is extremely dissatisfied with his life and occupation; he is reluctant to treat Alan at first, but decides that the extreme nature of Alan's crime was exactly what he needed to turn his dull life around. Treating Alan leads Dysart to question the results of his work, as well as to question his own existence.
Dora Strang
Alan's mother. She is a devout Christian who read Alan passages from the Bible throughout his childhood. While she appears to be a caring and loving figure, she also does not believe she has done anything wrong in Alan's upbringing.
Frank Strang
Alan's father, who is not religious, and criticizes his wife's spiritual views. He acknowledges that Alan has always been strange, and is uncomfortable in many of his interactions with the psychiatrist.
Hesther Salomon
A court magistrate who is responsible for initially bringing Alan to Dysart for treatment. She appears to show compassion for Alan, and believes that his actions were those of a misunderstood boy who needs help.
Jill Mason
An outgoing and free-spirited girl who works at the stables with Alan, and who eventually becomes romantically interested in him. He had been on a date with her the night of the crime.
The nurse who works for Dysart, who brings him news about Alan throughout his treatment.
Harry Dalton
The owner of the stable at which Alan and Jill work, and where Alan blinded the horses. During Alan's treatment, Dysart meets with Dalton in an attempt to better understand the circumstances behind what happened.
The particular horse in Dalton's stables to which Alan feels a strong connection. In Alan's mind, Nugget is the horse god "Equus."
The man riding his horse on the beach, who invites a young Alan to ride a horse for his first time.