Every Day

Every Day Metaphors and Similes

As Substantial as a Balloon (Simile)

While A and Rhiannon are driving to the beach, they listen to "a pop song that's as substantial as a balloon," but A claims that it "lifts [them] in the same way when [they] sing it." This simile points out the combination of lightness and silliness that makes the pop song enjoyable, even as it makes it less impressive or serious. This carefree image also perfectly characterizes the day Rhiannon and A spend together at the beach, a day that takes on an almost magical quality in A's mind. As A gets to know Rhiannon better over the course of the day, A feels as buoyant and carefree as the pop song itself.

Another World (Metaphor)

After A's transformative day with Rhiannon at the beach, A laments that "yesterday is another world" and longs "to go back there" (34). This metaphor illustrates the vast distance that separates A and Rhiannon. Although A may be physically close to Rhiannon's town, A's unique situation makes it impossible to contact her. Rhiannon believes she spent the day at the beach with Justin, and she is completely unaware that A exists. The circumstances of the previous day are therefore a world away from the isolation from Rhiannon that A feels in the present, and A can do nothing to cross that distance. Furthermore, because A wakes up in a new body and needs to adjust to new parents, new friends, and a new location every morning, each day is essentially "another world" for A. A's surroundings are in constant flux, and navigating through them is like constantly exploring new territory.

The Black Cloud/The Black Dog (Metaphor)

While occupying Kelsea's body, A reflects on depression being both "a black cloud and a black dog" (121). A categorizes Kelsea's severe depression as more of a black cloud, as Kelsea is "surrounded by it, immersed within it, and there is no obvious way out." A hopes that Kelsea will be able to eventually contain her depression and transform it into the black dog. If Kelsea achieves this, her depression "will still follow her around wherever she goes," but "at least it will be separate, and will follow her lead." This metaphor explores the amorphous nature of depression, acknowledging its power and severity while still maintaining the hope that it can be treated and alleviated. Although depression can be a chronic illness that forces one to fight a life-long battle, Every Day invests in an optimistic view of one's ability to overcome it.

Like Rows of Neglected Teeth (Simile)

When A looks around Kelsey's room, A sees that her books "sit crooked on shelves, like rows of neglected teeth" (120). This simile illustrates the disarray that one's life can fall into as a result of depression, and it also hints at the toll depression may take on the body. Mental health issues can often make tasks such as cleaning or organizing one's living space incredibly difficult, which is the case for Kelsea. Depression can also cause feelings of hopelessness that may lead to difficulties performing tasks like showering or brushing teeth. This simile encompasses these two truths about depression and illustrates the seriousness of Kelsea's condition.

Shrine to The Beatles (Metaphor)

While occupying the body of the idiosyncratic AJ, A describes AJ's room as "a shrine to the Beatles." This metaphor illustrates AJ's intense love for the band, implying that his devotion borders on worship. With this description, the reader can infer that Beatles merchandise and memorabilia fill AJ's room.

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