Eyes Wide Shut Imagery

Eyes Wide Shut Imagery


While at the party, Bill is asked to go to a room upstairs where he finds the man who organized the party with a naked and unresponsive woman. The organizer tells Bill that the woman, Mandy, became unresponsive after drinking and shooting drugs. The image of Mandy, lying on the chair, naked and unresponsive is an important image because it shows just how the lifestyle the people were having ended up affecting them on a personal level. The girl was a victim of the lifestyle she was having, just like many other girls just like her.

The ring on her finger

When Sandor tells Alice that he wants to see her again, she refuses, saying that such a thing is impossible. When he asks her why is that, she shows him the ring on her finger, a visual representation of her marriage. Thus image shows that Alice, despite her desires, is unwilling to cheat on her husband and that her marriage to Bill is important to her.

Cheating wife

One of the most important and recurring images in the film is that of Alice, in bed with an unknown man. After Alice confesses that she thought about cheating on her husband, he became obsessed with the idea of cheating on her as well. Thus, he began to search for means to cheat on her and to create occasions for himself to cheat on Alice. Every time he was close to cheating on her, he imagined Alice in bed, in various compromising positions with the unknown man. These images have the purpose of serving as means of justification for Bill, who while he may not want to cheat on Alice, felt like it was his right to do so just because Alice thought about cheating on him at one point in her life.


Another important image appears during the sexual orgy Bill takes part. At one point, Bill’s former colleague and the piano player is leaded out of the building while still being blindfolded. At one point, they pass through a room with couples dancing. The only peculiar element is that every woman in the room is naked. Apart from their lack of clothing, the general impression left is that everything is normal. The couples dance slowly to the music and don’t seem to mind their lack of clothes. This image proves that for them, nudity was something normal and that they felt like they had nothing to be ashamed of.

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